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Both HEBREW & GREEK words for book includes in it the definition “a bill of divorce.” When we accept & conform to scripture, God imparts the ANOINTING OF THE LOGOS to us, & this causes divorce from Satan, the evil of the world & sin in general. Many who are not ready to surrender all to Jesus therefore do not LIKE TO RETAIN GOD IN THEIR KNOWLEDGE — Paul says. ROM1:28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. —- God says in ISAIAH 27:11 if we are a people without understanding, GOD WILL HAVE NO FAVOR OR MERCY ON US!! There is no other greater condemnation except for those who take the mark of the beast!! __,God hates divorce between a husband & wife, but loves divorce from Babylon, because he says come out of her my people. There is ALSO A NEW TESTAMENT EXODUS described in REV18:4. Any bad relationship once it is forgiven for one’s entanglement in it, needs to be divorced. The Bible carries within it the anointing necessary to break all yokes of bondage. Just like an atom carries a great hidden power, the word of God (the second Adam/atom) needed to be “broken for our sins” to unleash that hidden power within him.
—The book of Revelation among the other books beginning with ACTS could not be written except AFTER the resurrection, except for those parts of the gospels that were about after the crucifixion. However all the gospels were written long after Jesus had ascended, so they could have been written in a transcription type of style, but it would seem the Holy Spirit chose to write it by “bringing such things to remembrance.” Only 3 apostles wrote the gospels, with Luke being a physician, & was taught the gospel later. He apparently had inside knowledge of events it sounds like he saw personally.
—— It would seem that the Vatican could have more true inspired books in their collection, (as they suppress many things hoping it will stifle salvation,) but we have the main material available which the Holy Trinity counts to be essential for us. ____ The Bible up to the
crucifixion is all Old Testament: because there had to be the shedding of Jesus’s blood 🩸 in order for there to be remission of sins. It’s all based on the blood of Jesus without which we
could not be healed or reconciled to God. Salvation is called reconciliation, because though a person could be sinless, he could not be saved unless he can also be reconciled to God. ——- Jesus said healing & salvation are one & the same thing, for he said, LUKE5:23 “Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?” ISAIAH 33:24 says “And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity.”
___ Jesus quoted from the Old Testament very frequently, showing how he did nothing except what was scriptural. This showed his humility, & he was meeker than even Moses. No one can humble themselves except under the mighty hand of God. “HAND” means the force that wrote the scriptures as superimposed over the hands of the authors who wrote the scriptures. Pastors when “lifted up with pride fall under the condemnation of the devil” which is that Satan doesn’t conform to scripture, but uses them for his own purpose. -___ Some think the blood of Jesus is only physical, but he has a spiritual blood also who is his Father. LEV17:11 says that ALL LIFE IS IN THE BLOOD. God is the ONLY LIFE ROM13:1 says, & so if we didn’t have this life in us, it would be as if we are worse than in hell, but even the lake of fire which is the second death. It is called “death” because GOD THE ONLY LIFE IS NOT IN IT. All sinners have God in them but NOT RECEIVED INTO THEIR INNER SOULS. All life enjoyed on earth is because God the life is in it. Sinners see God but don’t recognize him. They don’t know the day of their visitation.
___ It was stated in HEBREWS 2:9 that he (JESUS) by the grace of God should taste death for every man. This “death” here referred to is that SECOND DEATH Jesus had to but “taste,” for which REASON Jesus was made a little lower than the angels. Why though he is made so much better than the angels, was he made man who is made a little lower than the angels in order to suffer death? Because it was not only his body that was made a sacrifice but his soul! ISAIAH 53:10 says “we must make his soul an offering for sin, & then we will see our seed,” because we are his seed: the Product of his death: AND WE WILL RAISE UP SOULS. Paul says we are saved in child bearing, meaning when we raise up souls to Jesus. Salvation is a
journey that needs development or else we will be barren & God says there must not be any who is barren among his people.
___ The crucifixion entailed separation from his Father in order to assure us reconciliation! This separation is what Jesus Christ called “DEATH,” but he never prayed to be delivered from his mission to die physically on the cross & he said he did not fear what men or devils (called bulls in PSA22) could do unto him, but ONLY FEARED WHAT HIS FATHER COULD DO UNTO HIM. —HEB5:7 says that Jesus “”in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;____Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;”” WHAT MADE JESUS SPEND SO MUCH TIME PRAYING TO BE DELIVERED FROM DEATH, when he rebuked Peter from suggesting he should not die, & even called him Satan? Because this “DEATH” was not a physical death but a living death resulting from the Father WHO IS THE LIFE OF JESUS’S BLOOD shedding himself out of Jesus. — LUKE 22:44 describes this death WITH EVEN THE BEGINNING OF IT as a great “agony.” ἀγωνία agōnía ag-o-nee'-ah; a struggle, anguish:--agony.
a struggle for victory
gymnastic exercise, wrestling
of severe mental struggles (for understanding ==ISAIAH27:11) and emotions, agony, anguish. ___ Paul describes training for entering heaven like a gymnastic exercise. Jesus trained his whole life, even from birth, being born in the presence of sacrificial animals & laid in a feeding trough as the food & drink for the Sinful beasts of the whole world to get nourishment from & hydration from the water of life. Blood is 90% water, & so the blood of Jesus’s body & soul is mainly the water of life.
___ Luke being a PHYSICIAN took note of the fact that the blood which came out of Jesus in LUKE 22:44 was not in a liquid form, neither did it EXIT HIS POURS, because it was “GIANT CLOTS OF BLOOD.” There was no time for it to clot & if it did, it would not have EXITED his body, because CLOTTING IS FOR NOT BLEEDING!! But here his clots of blood not only MONSTROUS IN SIZE, not only exiting the body, but dropping immediately to the ground! This was a manifestation of JEHOVAH FORSAKING JESUS. But what could “great clots of blood” mean? Jesus spoke often of the gates of hell, & how sinners are swallowed up into them, but ONLY THE SAINTS ARE SPARED FROM “THE GATES OF HELL PREVAILING AGAINST US.” Clots are to close & heal a wound, & gates of hell are wounds CAUSED BY SIN. Some sins are great & create great gates that open wide, & so need “great clots of Jesus’s blood” to close them!! Jesus mentions how some who are forgiven much, therefore love much: we love God & others in proportion to how much we perceive we’re forgiven. The blood of Jesus is ALMIGHTY & OMNIPRESENT, & is even EXTERNAL TO THE WHOLE UNIVERSE Paul says in 1COR15:27. “It is manifested he is “EXTERNAL” meaning HEBREW OR BEYOND who did put all things under Jesus. (KJV “excepted.”)
-____ The bread 🥖 & wine 🍷 of the Lord’s supper is SEPARATE because “it shows the Lord’s death” which was separation from his Father. That is what reconciled us to God, while his
physical death was to perfect us in the greatest of the loving divine nature of God: which is to lay down our lives for one another. We cannot have salvation without both reconciliation & perfecting of us. We take not only the LORD JESUS in his Supper but the blood of the Father. We do not however take the image of God, the gospel of Christ, 2COR4:4 in the Lord’s Supper, because that is why we are called to the marriage Supper of the Lamb, to fully partake of the image of God. We are ADOPTED TO THE FATHER JEHOVAH, but actual members of Jesus’s body, flesh & bones: which is why we are not merely adopted to Jesus but call him our everlasting Father. But the Father of Jesus is for us while in this “present evil world” ours by adoption only. We become naturalized citizens of heaven at the marriage supper of the lamb. No one until then is allowed to take the body of JEHOVAH as any form of sacrament; whether as a mark or food.
THEREFORE no sinner whether saved or not is allowed to take the gospel as a sacrament but through believing only! We can only taste the power of the world to come & have a “down
payment” called “the earnest of the Spirit.” We can have many degrees of heaven here, but not fully & without measure as Jesus experiences it. JOHN3:34:: For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.
___ Jesus needed to be strengthened by an angel in LUKE22:43 because he was at that time “a little lower than the angels,” & he was about to go into the ring with the whole power & fury of Satan & his demons which Jesus called “strong bulls of Bashan” who gaped upon his soul like a lion devouring his prey alive!! This was not however the thing Jesus feared, as painful as it was, more painful than how the Catholic Church depicts his passion, but what Jesus “greatly feared” as the true Job, suffering loss of his true skin was his Father who is SOUL’S BLEEDING OUT OF JESUS! Jesus suffered soul bleeding, which only the damned in the lake of fire can Experience. But Jesus suffered it like none of us can ever do, “being made so much better than the angels,” & being a man of sorrows & acquainted with grief even from the time of his infancy, GOD THE PANTOCRATOR was his only comforter. — Jesus “feared” HEB5:8 that this could be eternal, if he somehow had succumbed to the devil’s attempt to corrupt him while in a vulnerable state of being on the cross. Satan made one last attempt to infect Jesus with the sin of doubt in Jesus’s last moments, speaking in his snake voice to Jesus, “God found sin in you, like he found iniquity in me, now he has to forsake you forever!” To Jesus’s weakened condition with his soul suffering total suffocation from any life from God, this made Jesus cry out in his last moments “my God why have you forsaken me?” God says he hides his face from us “but for a moment,” & sometimes it can seem like God doesn’t forgive us anymore. But he does it to chasten us, because he receives us as sons & daughters. God says AMOS3:2, You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. __ It might seem unfair that he only does it to those he knows & accepts, & it can even seem to those around us that God is done with us. But we are instructed to say, MICAH7:8::: “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.”
cepher ֵספֶר
say'-fer :::: ciphrah —- Psa. 56:8 {{{sif-raw'};, writing (the art or a document); by implication, a book:--bill, book, evidence, learn(-ed) (-ing), letter, register, scroll. ___letter (of instruction), written order, commission, request, written decree, legal document, certificate of divorce, deed of purchase, indictment, a sign.
βιβλίονbiblíon bib-lee'-on::: a roll:--bill, book, scroll, writing.
a small book, a scroll, a written document
a sheet on which something has been written;;; a bill of divorcement.